
What is Matrix

An LED display’s matrix represents how many pixels on the display. A display with a matrix resolution of 64 (h) by 192 (w) means it has 64 pixels from top to bottom and 192 pixels from left to right. A higher matrix on your LED sign will give you #1 more lines of text, #2 more characters per line, and #3 better images and video. If you are purchasing (for example) a 4′ tall x 8′ long sign, selecting a smaller pitch will increase the matrix of the display which means better image quality. A 20mm resolution 4′ tall x 8′ long LED sign has a pixel matrix of 64×128 pixels (64 rows x 128 columns = 8,192 pixels). On the other hand, a 16mm resolution 4′ tall x 8′ long LED sign has a pixel matrix of 80×160 which gives you a total of 12,800. That’s 56.25% more pixels in the same square footage = a much higher resolution sign.

Aspect Ratio

As our team engages schools to help them decide which school sign system will best meet their needs, a major consideration is the aspect ratio of the sign.

Aspect ratio is essentially defined as the relationship of the height of the sign to its width. If a school has a strong desire to consistently show images and video on their new school marquee sign, our team will guide towards a 16:9 aspect ration – similar to what you see in modern television. For example, a 10mm 96×192 (the matrix is 96 pixels tall x 192 pixels) is a 16:9 aspect ratio. Some schools want to focus on text messages in which case a stock ticker type sign with an 8:2 ratio. Our LED signs are even capable of segmenting portions of the LED screen for different content. For example, the bottom portion of the screen used at a school football stadium might be a strip across the bottom of the screen solely used for rotating advertisements, the left and right sides of the screen might be the scoreboard, while the middle of the screen shows live video of the game.